Management approach
Taking our social responsibilities seriously, EVRAZ strives to adhere to international best practices by making a meaningful contribution to local economies and supporting communities wherever it operates. This includes fostering proper ethical behavior, caring for employee wellbeing, protecting the environment, and being an engaged partner for local communities. Everywhere that EVRAZ operates, it seeks to build sustainable, positive partnerships with local governments and non-governmental organisations, as well as with business, media and other partners.
EVRAZ has an effective system for managing community relations and external communications in place. The key responsibility for engagement with regions of operations lies with the GR and PR departments. The headquarter is responsible for setting strategic priorities and guidelines as well as for executing nationwide projects and collaborating with stakeholders at federal level. Companies are responsible for community relations on sites and local stakeholder relations.
The creation of value for local communities and regions of operation is ingrained in our Corporate Strategy. Transparent and constructive cooperation with local communities is an integral part of EVRAZ activities and development. Creating shared value, respecting human rights, views and traditions of people in the regions of operation are among the principles that are stipulated in our Business Conduct Policy for Employees – The EVRAZ Way. The principles and rules of engagement with federal and local authoritiesAnti-corruption policy (“Other documents on Anti-corruption compliance”) employees at all levels are defined in the Regulation for interaction with state authorities. The local community engagement is guided by the Social Investments Guidelines and Policy on Charitable Donation and Sponsorship Activity.
Key events
- EVRAZ provided extensive support for various projects and events for Novokuznetsk’s 400th anniversary in July 2018
- 354 projects applied for the contest EVRAZ City of Friends – City of Ideas.
- In 2018, EVRAZ and the online media launched the joint digital project “Steel Dynasties”
- For the second consecutive year, EVRAZ NTMK’s employees have held the “Relay of Good Deeds”
Value that we create
for regions where we operate
Local communities
EVRAZ sees that business sustainability is ultimately connected with the prosperity of the regions of our communities, which we support through social and improvement programmes.

State bodies
EVRAZ contributes value to the government by providing construction and railway products for the development of infrastructure, and is also one of the largest taxpayers and employers in Russia.